The Dangers of Devices
There are only two industries that call their customers users: illegal drugs and tech / software.
More and more, by the day, I see younger and younger children hypnotized by devices. What’s worse is that the parents are the ones handing them over to their kids, irrationally terrified that their children “won’t fit in” if they don’t have a device. Even worse, parents don’t want to deal with what comes along with raising children anymore it would seem, spending quality time with them, modeling healthy habits, being present and not completely distracted by a device themselves… parents are missing the opportunity to refine themselves as they constantly look for ways to escape the responsibility that comes along with parenting. In fact, technology has given parents an easy out… you can now have a child and if don’t want to deal with what comes along with raising those children well, the way that it forces you to level up as a human being, in being present, in accountability, in character, integrity, communication…  you can just stick a screen in front of them to pacify and keep them “entertained”.
The problem… you have absolutely no idea how your children are being programmed / wired… nor the long-term effects of this on humanity because it’s truly still experimental.
There’s a young boy who stands outside of my neighborhood waiting for the bus in the morning, around 10 years old, and every single day I see him hunched over staring at a device. This child’s mind is being rewired and no doubt, he is missing out on some crucial parts of child development, being aware of his surroundings, his posture and spinal alignment is already severely compromised, not to even mention how his social and emotional skills are being stunted.
This kid and millions like him are unfortunately becoming “the norm” — as more and more parents are freely handing devices over, enabling this drip dehumanization, their children becoming completely desensitized to the negative effects of becoming a regular tech user before they’ve even hit puberty!
Don’t be afraid to let them be kids, be bored, let them learn, grow and develop without a screen programming them 24/7… let them be human!